A stack of lobster traps, waiting for the season and deployment.
Traps being transferred to a commercial harvesting vessel for deployment.
Commercial vessel underway.
Traps being deployed
Conch Key, about 62 miles from Key West, served as a base for construction of Henry Flagler's Overseas Railroad and later supported a commercial lobster harvesting community. Over fishing ended commercial lobstering and Conch Key is mostly a retirement and vacation community today.
This is an abandoned lobster trap, or ghost trap, which are traps that have been cut loose from the buoy that marks it enabling harvest and its recovery when the season is over. Lobsters caught in ghost traps will starve to death, unless the trap is found or is damaged.
The same 3 inch carapace regulation applies to commercial as well as recreational harvesting.
A female with eggs, caught in a trap, must be returned to the water.
The government compiles statistics on the lobster harvest do to pressure from commercial and recreational harvesting.
Spiny lobster tails prepared for sale.
Spiny Lobster Trap Fishery
Trap certificates and tags are required for all traps. A valid tag must be securely attached to each trap. Spiny lobster trap specifications and trap, buoy, and vessel marking requirements apply. Traps, buoys, and vessels must display the C#. Traps must be constructed of wood or plastic and be no
larger than three feet by two feet by two feet or the volumetric equivalent (12 cubic feet) with the entrance (throat) located on top of the trap. Each plastic trap must have a degradable panel. Refer to the official rules before building or buying traps. Traps may be baited and placed in the water beginning Aug. 1. Traps may be worked during daylight hours only. Traps may not be placed within 100 feet of the intercoastal waterway or any bridge or seawall. Pulling another person's trap without the express written consent of the owner and FWC Law Enforcement is prohibited. Traps must be removed from the water by April 5 each year. Harvest is prohibited in designated areas of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park.
A person aboard a vessel with a C# and trap certificates may harvest and possess while on the water 50 undersized spiny lobster (shorts) and one short per trap aboard the boat. Shorts must be released alive and unharmed upon leaving trap lines (livewell specifications apply). The allowance for shorts applies to the trap fishery only and sale is prohibited.
Spiny Lobster Dive Fishery
All vessels used by persons commercially harvesting lobster by diving, scuba or snorkel must display the Commercial Dive Permit (CD#) on the vessel. A dive permit was issued to divers with trip ticket landings between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2003. Trap certificates cannot be held by a person with a CD#. No dive permits will be issued, renewed or replaced except those that were active in 2004- 05. Dive permits not renewed by September 30, of each year are forfeited to the FWC.
A 250 lobster per day vessel limit applies in Broward, Dade, Monroe, Collier and Lee counties and adjoining federal waters. Divers must permanently and conspicuously display a "divers down flag" placard on the vessel and affix the CD# to the diagonal stripe with 10" numbers visable from the air and 4" numbers visable from the water. Harvest from artificial habitat is prohibited. Divers must possess a carapace measuring device and measure lobster in the water. The use of bleach or chemical solutions or simultaneous possession of spiny lobster and any plastic container capable of ejecting liquid is prohibited. The recreational bag limit applies when diving at night.
Spiny lobster retained as an incidental bycatch in a net or trawl other than a hand-held net may not exceed five percent of the total whole weight of all species possessed (all license requirements apply). Spiny lobster may only be sold by or purchased from persons who hold the required licenses and endorsements. A federal permit is required to possess "wrung" tails in or on state waters. Tails must be at least 5 ½ inches in length (not including muscle tissue). Possession of undersized lobster is prohibited, except as provided for in the Spiny Lobster Trap Fishery section below. Undersized lobster may not be sold. Possession of any egg-bearing lobster is prohibited. Use of any device that could puncture or crush the lobster is prohibited.
The vessel limit for harvest with a bullynet is 250 lobster per vessel per day statewide.
Florida commercial regulations
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